Understanding Technophobia

Technology is the total collection of any techniques, practices, processes, and tools used in the development of products or services or merely in the achievement of specific objectives, for example scientific research. The history of technology traces its origins to the Ancient Greeks, who developed a number of technologies. However, as time passed, different civilizations across the world have built more technologically advanced civilizations. In addition, technologies change with time. Examples of technologies that have been developed over the past centuries are the steamboat, textile machines, the telephone, electricity, the gas light, radio, etc.

Technophobia is not an uncommon mental disorder. According to experts, it is one of the most widespread fears in the world. However, there is hope for people who are afraid of the new. Technophobia is based on a variety of different causes. The most common is fear of the unknown, therefore when new things are discovered, individuals become afraid of what these things can do to them.

Technophobia is a phobia, which is a heightened state of fear or apprehension. This can be caused by the anticipation of something new in an unfamiliar surroundings. The fear of technology has many roots. Some experts believe that people are scared of the impact that technological advancements might make on society, or on their own ability to survive in society. Others believe that they are afraid of the power that computers, telecommunications, and information technology might abuse their power.

Many individuals who suffer from technophobia see new objects and technologies as a threat. They worry about what these objects or technologies might do to them or to those that they love. The fear of technology can also stem from the fear of losing their privacy, or their freedom. The loss of privacy is a concern for many who are afraid of leaving home for fear that they won’t be able to remain safe online.

Aside from the fears of losing ones freedom and being lost in a strange environment, there is also the fear of germs. As adults, we are often told not to worry so much about the safety of our food because it might be dangerous to eat it. However, with technology playing a large role in our everyday lives, this no longer applies. We are constantly told that the internet is safe to use but with it comes an array of potential danger such as spyware and viruses. With this said, many children who have been diagnosed with technophobia are hesitant to use the computer. In turn, they develop severe anxiety attacks and can even develop depression over the fear of being unable to use the computer.

If you think that you might be suffering from technophobia, there are many professionals that can help you. Many psychiatrists can provide insight and can treat your symptoms. Therapists can also provide help and teach individuals and families how to overcome their fears of technology. Online courses that teach about the impact of new technology can also be helpful.