The Course in Technology Has Grown by leaps and bounds in the Twentieth Century

Technology is nothing but the application of existing resources to accomplish a particular purpose. A computer is a tool that facilitates communication or allows information to be stored and retrieved. Knowledge is anything one can learn by observation or experience. Knowledge is also defined as “the general classifications of things learned.” A new invention is something that is an improvement on known processes or methods. The human mind has come up with many inventions that have made life easier and more convenient.

Science is the systematic study of nature and its properties under different categories and it deals with the laws governing the behavior of living things. It is a part of the field of philosophy dealing with the exactness and precision of physical phenomena. Technological society is characterized by progress in the scientific and technological fields. In recent years, many technological systems have been developed for practical application in industry, politics, and social life.

Technological knowledge refers to the general classifications of facts about technology and their usefulness in practical life. A new invention is something that is an improvement on known processes or methods. Knowledge in technology deals with all the methods and ways by which knowledge is acquired and may be useful in practical life. In other words, technological knowledge includes both abstract and concrete knowledge. It also includes the general laws of science and technology.

Knowledge in science refers to general laws of nature and its practical application. In technical terms, it is the “abbreviation” for scientific method, which is to acquire knowledge by experiment, observation, and analysis, and use it to solve a problem. Thus a law of science is a set of logically independent rules, the object of which is to provide knowledge in order that the resultant should act in a predictable way. For instance, in physics, the results of experiments can be mathematically predicted by certain tools, such as calculus. A scientific theory is a precise description of a group of phenomena that has been experimentally verified. A scientific idea is something that one can learn by experience or by gathering knowledge and forming an opinion about it through investigation.

The subject matter of science and technology has grown so vast that students now need to have extensive knowledge of many different fields in order to learn how to apply what they have learned in the classroom. Thus, a student now needs a more thorough knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and engineering. Thus, to learn these various fields one must attend higher education level or technical college. Higher education level or technical college is especially useful for students who are interested in a particular topic and who have less interest in acquiring broad knowledge about all the subjects in science and technology. Thus, attending a technical college provides sufficient preparation for higher education.

A typical course in a technical college or university would include classes like algebra, chemistry, physics, computer science, and genetics. One learns how to collect, compile, analyze, manipulate, and interpret data as they pertain to the physical sciences, especially physics and chemistry. They also learn to communicate their results in meaningful and workable manners. Thus, the students learn to communicate the scientific knowledge they have acquired in a practical way, thus allowing them to learn how to apply that knowledge practically.